Posted on Apr 23, 2018
Alison Smith, Parenting Coach

On April 23, 2018, Alison Smith, Parenting Coach, was present via Google Hangouts. 

Alison is an entrepreneur who started her own business, Allison Smith Coaching. Alison offers confidential solutions for modern parents, both online and in person.

Alison has a modern approach to business, where a majority of her work is provided online. Her business provides private coaching, workshops and groups, holds Facebook forums, blogs, makes videos, writes downloadable guides, and sends weekly email tips to subscribers...

After her visit to our Club a couple of weeks ago, Alison was asked to share how she was using Google Apps in her business and how the Apps might be beneficial for a volunteer group. To effectively use Google Calendars, all members would need to have a Google account. Notifications of meetings could be sent through the calendar, with the recipient being asked to accept or decline. Reminders can be sent automatically. Files for the Club could be kept on Google Drive and would have the advantage of more than one person working on a document at any given time.