Posted on Oct 05, 2015
Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick

On Oct. 5, 2015, The Club was pleased to hear from Ken McGeorge, President of the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick. Ken has retired numerous times after serving many years in executive positions in the health care industry.

Ken McGeorge, who was introduced by Shelley Vail, spoke of his experience as CEO for different health care agencies before retiring and his own experience with his father-in-law, an Alzheimer patient.

Ken is presently working for the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick to raise awareness of the need for change in the health care system to see that the disease is diagnosed more efficiently. Patient's families need support so that affected individuals may stay in their own homes for as long as possible.

New Brunswick is a province with an ageing population, and high-cost acute care hospital beds are occupied inappropriately by individuals with dementia.

Ken reviewed some of the effects of Alzheimer's, the difference in brain structure, and the warning signs. The theme of the organization's message was to decrease dementia's "dark shadow" by raising awareness and having an informed public.