Posted on Dec 12, 2016
Chase the Joker

After 44 weekly drawings of a card from the deck, Rotarian Bruce Northrup finally drew the winning Joker on Dec. 12, 2016, with nine cards left in the pack. The winner’s pot had grown to $816.50.

Bruce announced when picking the lucky Joker that he would be donating half his winnings to the Salvation Army. Pictured here are Major Stan Folkins, who just happened to be Rotary’s guest speaker for the meeting, Rotarian Bruce, Donna Gilchrist, Chairperson of the weekly draw, and President Rob Driscoll. Congratulations, Bruce!

The Chase the Joker club fundraiser started on Nov. 16, 2015, as a supplement to the weekly fines to help raise funds to offset the internal operating costs of the Club. Thus the first deck also contributed $816.50 to the Club operating funds. Job well done, Donna!