Posted on Jun 11, 2018
Department of  Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour (PETL)

On June 11, 2018, Rotarian Tina Monahan introduced Sarah White and Brian Ferris from the Department of Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour (PETL) as our speakers.

Sarah shared about four different programs Workplace Essential Skills Program, One Job Pledge, Youth Employment and Student Employment Experience Development. Brian shared about Labour Force Adjustment. They offer Human Resources assistance to help resolve any issues...

A new program is for helping employees upgrade their skills. The program seeks to pay half of the costs for training (up to a max of $40,000 per company) covering books and tuition. If a consultant/trainer is brought in, they will also include 50% of books, education, hotel, and rental car. For generic training (new software, etc) they will cover 25% of costs. Brian also can assist with immigration if that turns out to be a company’s best option to bring in the skill that is needed. Each situation is unique.

Rotarian Julie Matthews thanked Sarah and Brian.