Posted on May 05, 2014
Mayor of Sussex Corner

On May 5, 2014, Rotarian Scott Hatcher introduced Mayor Gillies to the Sussex Rotary Club.

Mayor Gillies updated the club on the experiences of the April 15, 2014 flooding event and his experiences of elected office.

Mayor Gillies began his political career as a result of wanting to get involved in the Village flooding issues a few years back, and ironically he was here today to brief the club on the Village’s experiences these past few weeks. With that, Mayor Gillies began life as a politician following the May 2008 election when elected as Deputy Mayor. Deputy Mayor Gillies chose to run for Mayor in the coming 2012 elections...

Mayor Gillies believes ongoing discussions between the Town and the Village regarding amalgamation has been on the back burner recently. The flooding events over the past couple of months will likely bring the discussion to the forefront again. Although in the past, it was challenging to have a meaningful conversation, but recent flood events may be the catalyst necessary to try again. 

Mayor Gillies spoke of the emergency response and the declaration of the State of Local Emergency in Sussex Corner on April 16th. He shared the difficult EMO decisions necessary that day given the resources and workforce required to protect and respond to the 1450 Village Residents.

Our recent experiences galvanize the need for regional plans for emergencies, the need to have coordinated response and the need to develop a proactive regional approach beginning in the necessity of emergency planning. 

Mayor Gillies believes the potential for shared services to assist in providing residents of the Town and Village with similar services in a cost-effective approach and reduce duplication is necessary. Mayor Gillies is prepared to reach out to the province to request assistance to facilitate a meaningful amalgamation study. He believes the issues are trust and taxes, but sees more people these days willing to discuss the topic. 

Mayor Gillies spoke on the events and timeline of the flood event. The event was quick, multiple events happening at once that each needed response quickly. Road closures, evacuations, the emergency declaration and the reality of being overwhelmed are not pleasant experiences.

The most critical issue is the community and area came together that day.

Rotarian Bruce Northrup thanked Mayor Gillies for the interesting talk.