Posted on Dec 09, 2022
Member Profile - Paula Fleming
Name: Paula Fleming, Rotary Club of Sussex Secretary
Occupation: Office Manager, Dr. Mark Fleming Family Dentistry

Joined Rotary: In 2018: I was recruited by my wonderful friend, Lisa Brown. My main interest in joining was to do
international work, and so I became chair of the International Committee. I’d love to travel to Guatemala to help build
one of the many smoke-free stoves we’ve funded, or to the orphanage in South Africa to work on our water,
sanitation and hygiene education (WASH) program. We’ve also sent shelter boxes to Haiti and Ukraine, oxygen
concentrators to India, and helped fund a mobile health clinic in Ghana. I’m very proud of what we’ve accomplished
so far! 

Favorite Rotary activity: I love hands-on service projects in our community, like helping to box groceries at the
Salvation Army, or decorating Smile cookies for the Little Jackie Fund. We’ve also organized work days where we go
to a senior’s home and weed their gardens, paint their fence or repair their deck. It’s that feeling you get when you
know you’ve made a difference in someone’s day.

Rotary Goals: As a retired nurse, I believe I can be helpful working on any number of those international efforts that
I’ve mentioned, and now that COVID restrictions have lifted, hopefully I can make that happen.