Posted on Jan 22, 2018
Regional Service Commission 8 Three Bag System

Christine Moffett introduced Elissa Colpitts as our speaker on Jan. 22, 2018.

Elissa represented Regional Service Commission 8 (RSC8) and provided an informative presentation about the three-bag garbage system.

Although some residents have concerns about the system being too complicated, the amount of garbage diverted out of the landfill site is expected to increase by 70%.

The three-bag system is designed to reduce costs and increase revenue through reduced contamination of green garbage (organics) which can then be sold as Grade A compost. Landfill cells cost two million dollars, and in the past, cells have lasted only two years...

Cells are projected to last three years. Businesses and apartments are starting to participate in the three-bag system, and the Commission hopes to edit tipping fees to encourage better compliance. The presentation ended with a time of questions and answers.

Garbage schedules and search features for what garbage goes in what bag can be easily accessed from the RCS8 website or its mobile app RSC8.

Rotarian Rhonda Haynes thanked Elissa for her enlightening talk.