Posted on Nov 03, 2014
Stonehammer Geo Park

Bob Black welcomed Wanda Hughes of Stonehammer Geological Park to the meeting on Nov. 3, 2014.

Wanda spoke on the Stonehammer Geological Park, Saint John and surrounding areas, a billion years of stories...

The Stonehammer Geological Park combines a billion years of a relatively continuous geologic record with a long history of the study.
o Within Saint John, most of the diverse geology of the region is exposed, and the first geopark in Canada and one of only 110 worldwide. 
o Few cities in Canada can compare when it comes to the complex geological diversity seen here. When the broader region of the park is considered, almost one billion years of earth history is represented. 
o Stonehammer also has a long history of geoscience investigation. An impressive group of scientists have visited the region over the past 175 years to explore and unravel its geological history. 
o The investigation began in the early 1800s and continues today. 
o The geology of Stonehammer is complex, but reasonably well understood and provides ample opportunity for geological research and education at all levels. 
o Geological stories include plate tectonics, mountain building, volcanism, earthquakes, glaciation, sedimentology, mineralogy, geologic time, weathering, the evolution of invertebrates, vertebrates and plants, geomorphology and the history of geology. 
o Southern New Brunswick, including the Stonehammer region, is characterized by a series of narrow terrain’s, fault-bounded, northeast-trending rock belts that record a history of Late Precambrian and Paleozoic extensional and accretionary tectonic events. 

Scott thanked Mrs. Hughes for her interesting presentation and presented a gift from the club as a token of our appreciation.