Posted on Nov 20, 2017
Sussex Health Care Foundation

On Nov. 20, 2017, Alex Coffin introduced our guests, Vernon Seeley and Monica Tayes, from the Sussex Health Centre Foundation (image courtesy Sussex Health Care Foundation Facebook).

Vernon Seeley and Monica Tayes shared a presentation about the Sussex Health Centre. The Foundation has initiated several projects to help the Centre, including the purchase of digital imaging equipment for mammography, refurbishment of the operating room, and set-up of an 8-chair dialysis unit...

The Centre also has a diabetic teaching clinic, palliative care facility and an IV day hospital.

A recent fundraiser selling tickets on a Jeep Ranger netted $15,000 in profit.

The Centre serves a population of 35,000 in the Sussex area, and because of our facilities, we have Saint John doctors do clinics and use the operating room. The use of the operating room in Sussex reduces the wait time for surgical procedures in this region.

The Foundation hopes to embark on a new project that will involve raising funds to purchase ultrasound equipment that will assist with the mammography clinic. The cost of this equipment is $149,000.

Rotarian Jason Thorne thanked Vernon and Monica.