Posted on Mar 18, 2019
Sussex Multicultural Association

To open our meeting on March 18, 2018, Rotarian Craig Long introduced Ethel Belliveau representing Sussex's Multicultural Association. Ethel has a Bachelor of Education degree, is a mother of four, and a businesswoman...

Ethel first got involved with internationals when she and her husband were looking for employees at the store. Due to a shortage of local people to fill positions, they recruited oversees. At the time, there was no one helping immigrants, and so she and her husband, Mark, tried to provide support services for the immigrant workers.

Ethel gave an informative presentation on population statistics for New Brunswick and Sussex, noting that the birth rate is less than the death rate, and communities are not sustainable if this trend continues. Included with the minutes was a copy of Ethel's presentation.

Sussex's Multicultural Association just recently received charitable status and has received a few grants but needs financial and volunteer resources. Immigrants need support once they arrive, i.e., getting registered, obtaining bank cards, finding housing, language training.