Posted on May 08, 2023
Sussex Rotary Is Growing!

Sussex Rotary was proud to induct its newest members during a Rotary meeting now hosted at All Seasons Inn!
The new Rotarian Barry Reicker, Alannah Pearson, and Rotary Club President Sheri Shannon are pictured here, left to right.
Sheri presided over the induction and shared a few notes about Rotary for everyone. 

"The Rotary Club of Sussex is known for great work in community support and has been involved in for many years among many other local and international projects. We welcome your strong arms and heart for service... When you shake the hand of one Rotarian (or bump elbows), you are within reach of 1.2 million more."
Welcome to Sussex Rotary, Alannah and Barry! 
Sussex Rotary Is Growing - Welcome Barry Reicker!
Sussex Rotary Is Growing - Welcome Alanna Pearson!
Sussex Rotary Is Growing - Club Photo Op!