Season Prep Day
Our Club has been involved in Camp Rotary on Grand Lake since our formation in 1977 through both financial and labour contributions. The Club built Camp Sussex at the camp years ago and built wharves sometime after that. Annually, club work parties visited the camp each spring to put the wharves in and help make the camp ready for the summer campers.
Sussex Rotary members pictured above include (L-R) Rotarian Bob & Ginette Black, President-Elect Rob & Kim Driscoll, President Bob & Juanita Tremblett, Rotarian Don & Janet Ingersoll, and Rob & Rotarian Alaina Alexander. The group spent a beautiful Saturday morning on May 30, 2015, chipping in with Rotarians from across the province, prepping the grounds and buildings for this year’s camp season. Seen with the Sussex members in front is Bob & Ginette’s dog Jake who enjoyed the day on the lake.
Camp Rotary believes in the essential value of camping in a residential setting. It provides the experience of adventure in the out-of-doors while instilling an awareness and appreciation for the natural environment. Camping teaches cooperation through playing, working, and planning with others. It helps build self-confidence through acquiring new skills, accomplishments and insights.
All persons with a disability should have the opportunity to be included in all manners of camp and camping. This inclusion will not only enhance the lives of campers with disabilities, but the lives of all campers, staff, and volunteers who participate. As a result, camp as a whole will benefit, creating a community out of the presence and individuality of everyone involved. Fun and recreation, together with respect for the dignity of individuals, are at the core of this philosophy.
On June 23rd, 2008, Rotary Monday, a group of Sussex Rotarians, went to Rotary Camp to do some needed work on Sussex Station. Pictured above is Past President Murray McGibbon and his grandson Connor. In the background is Past President Bob Kimball.